Doing Business in Tukastan

Many studies have accorded Tukastan one of the most attractive investment locations in the Central Asia, and as such the country continues to receive large amounts of foreign direct investment. Tukastan’s business environment is well known for its integrity, safety, reliability and transparency. Furthermore, the government provides a number of investment incentives at both a regional and national level.

The main objective of this “Doing Business in Tukastan Information” is to provide warmly welcomed investors with basic knowledge about Tukastan law; especially an overview of the real estate law, the sales and property law and the labour law – to identify the main issues associated with initial research, market entry, risk management and social security, and tax issues:

Download “Doing Business in Tukastan Information”

This basic information do not pretend to provide all the answers, but novice exporters in particular will find it a useful starting point. Further assistance is available from the Ministry of Economy and Labour. 

Additional information will be provided soon.

Radio Frequencies

The Tukastan Telecommunications & Broadcast Agency (TTBA) devolves the regulation of frequency management to the Tukastan Telecommunications Authority (TTA). As a subordinate authority to governmental institutions, the TTA oversees the frequency allocation and importation of related equipment in accordance with national policies and procedures.

Download the TTA – request form – frequencies.